Monday, June 23, 2008



Faith & Power: Women in Islam
Date : 04 Apr 2008 - 04 Jul 2008
Category: Exhibition
Islamic Art Museum Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

Muslim women have occupied positions of power for as long as Islam has existed. This ranges from the trading might of the Prophet Muhammad’s first wife, Khatija, to the more formal position of the 12th century Yemeni ruler, Malika Arwa. The Qur’an alludes to women of power from as long ago as the Queen of Sheba. In more recent times, the political leadership of Islamic states such as Pakistan and Bangladesh has drawn heavily on the female half of the population. The exhibition Faith & Power: Women in Islam explores a rich history that has often been overlooked. Examining the lives of these women, and attitudes to them, the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia is also able to provide a physical dimension with artefacts from distant times and places. Jewellery, clothing and the accoutrements of power bring new vigour to the lives of forgotten queens, consorts and wielders of influence from behind the throne.

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